Wyoming Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Wyoming Foundation supports culture, education, and human services organizations in Wyoming County, New York.

FUNDING AREAS: Culture, education, human services

IP TAKE: Pitch an idea for a collaborative project that includes more than one Wyoming County nonprofit for a chance at the highest competitive grant award of $5,000.

PROFILE: Established in 1974, the Wyoming Foundation is a community funder that focuses on Wyoming County, New York. Dr. James MacCallum founded it to improve the quality of life of local people. Since becoming a division of the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo (CFGB) in 2007, it has had increased capacity to serve local residents. It has its own set of officers to guide grantmaking, while also benefiting from CFGB’s infrastructure and expertise. The Wyoming Foundation funds local culture, education, and human services organizations.

The Wyoming Foundation reassessed its giving strategy in 2012 after taking surveys of the most pressing local needs. The Wyoming Foundation’s grantmaking interests are fairly broad overall, as a variety of local groups regularly receive support. It has a competitive annual grant cycle to award grants to approximately nine organizations each year. The funder prioritizes collaborative projects. However, it does not fund higher education scholarships, religious purposes, annual events or festivals, sponsorship of fundraising events, or political or religious causes.

Grants range between about $2,000 and $5,000. It makes approximately $33,000 available annually for grants. Learn more about this funder’s local giving on its website. Grantmaking focuses exclusively on Wyoming County, New York. Past local grantees include Arts Council for Wyoming County, Eagle Free Library, Shake on the Lake, and the Silver Lake Institute.

This foundation accepts unsolicited grant applications from nonprofits. Grantseekers must submit applications electronically. In the past, the funder has issued requests for proposals in early-April, and the application deadline is in early-May. Applicants receive notification about grant awards by mid-June. Direct general questions to Darren Penoyer on the staff at darrenp@cfgb.org or by phone at 716-852-2857, ext. 206.


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