Ventura County Community Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Ventura County Community Foundation invests in public health, arts, human services and education.

FUNDING AREAS: Health, arts and culture, human resources, education and urgent needs

IP TAKE: Check out this community funder’s website for a list of current requests for proposals for which nonprofits can submit applications to throughout the year.

PROFILE: Established in 1987, the Ventura County Community Foundation (VCCF) is a community foundation based in Camarillo, California. This funder manages charitable capital, protects endowments and connects philanthropic resources with community needs in the region. The foundation aims to "promote and enable philanthropy to improve our community – for good, forever.” VCCF funds local efforts for health, arts and culture, human resources, education and urgent needs.

The Ventura County Community Foundation awards grants in many different areas of community need in the region. These grants come from designated funds, donor-advised funds, endowment funds, field-of-interest funds, special interest funds and greatest needs funds. VCCF has competitive grant cycles that are open to application. However, it does not make grants for religious activities, political purposes, general operating shortfalls, annual fund drives or for individuals other than scholarships. VCCF lists current opportunities available through requests for proposals on its website for specific funds, such as the Swift Memorial Health Care Foundation and Barbara Barnard Smith Fund for World Musics.

Grants range between about $5,000 and $75,000. Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records. Grantmaking focuses on Ventura County in Southern California. Past local grantees include the Camarillo Health Care District, Humane Society of Ventura County and Interface Children & Family Services.

This foundation accepts grant applications from nonprofits in response to open requests for proposals. Funds at VCCF each have their own unique sets of guidelines and deadlines. Direct general questions to the staff at or 805-988-0196.


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