Renato and Siu Ping Negrin

NET WORTH: Unknown  

SOURCE OF WEALTH: Millennium Capital

FUNDING AREAS: Jewish Causes, Health

OVERVIEW: Renato Negrin is a managing director and portfolio manager at Millenium Partners in New York City. While he does not yet have his own foundation, he and his wife, Siu Ping, support Jewish causes and cancer research and care. The Negrins have also expressed an interest in supporting education in third-world countries.

BACKGROUND: Renato Negrin graduated from Swarthmore College in 1985. He worked for Salomon Brothers, Paine Webber and Smith Barney before joining Millennium Partners, where he is a managing director and portfolio manager. Siu Ping Negrin has worked as a computer consultant and an acupuncturist.


JEWISH CAUSES: The Negrins have supported Birthright Israel, an organization that helps thousands of young Jewish adults explore Jewish history and culture through trips to Israel. He has also invested Chabad, a Hasidic outreach movement.

HEALTH: Renato Negrin suffered from Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and the Negrin’s health philanthropy has focused mainly on cancer research and care. Recipients include the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and the Connecticut Cancer Foundation.

LOOKING FORWARD: The Negrins have expressed an interest in supporting education in third-world countries. It remains to be seen whether their philanthropy will expand in the cmoing years, as they still do not have a family foundation.


Negrin accepts general inquiries about philanthropy via email at


Renato Negrin Website