Ping and Yibing Jiang

NET WORTH: Unknown  

SOURCE OF WEALTH: PING Capital Management

FUNDING AREAS: Education & Youth, Global

OVERVIEW: Ping and Yibing Jiang move their philanthropy through the Yibing and Ping Jiang Foundation, which, according to available tax filings, gave away around $602,000 in 2018. Grantmaking has been modest lately, supporting education and other causes.

BACKGROUND: Ping Jiang graduated with a bachelor's degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 1986 and also holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Princeton University. Jiang began his career at Lehman Brothers in 1995 as an associate on the Foreign Exchange proprietary trading desk and rose to managing director at Lehman Brothers. Jiang was at SAC Capital where he served as the Portfolio Manager for the Emerging Markets and Global Macro Investment Group. He went on to become founding partner of PING Capital Management, where he leads a team of investment professionals in New York and Shanghai.


EDUCATION & YOUTH: The Jiang family has supported New York University, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, and the Edna Y. Schwartz Scholarship Fund, which has "raised money to create opportunities for young girls to attend the only single-sex all arts summer program for women in the United States." The Jiangs have supported the ZAC Foundation, which is "committed to developing swimming ability and better ensuring safety in and around the water for Boys & Girls Club members.

GLOBAL: Jiang has supported Yangzhou High School in Jiangsu Province, China. 

LOOKING FORWARD: Jiang hasn't said much publicly about his philanthropy as far as we can tell. Expect him to stick with his established interests for now. Perhaps giving will increase in coming years. 


The Yibing and Ping Jiang Foundation does not provide a clear avenue of contact but below is an address:

Yibing and Ping Jiang Foundation
1 West 72nd Street, Apt. #73
New York, NY 10023

LINK: Ping Jiang Linkedin Profile