Orchard Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Orchard Foundation supports advocacy for the environment and children, youth, and families in New England and New York.

FUNDING AREAS: Environmental advocacy, children, youth and families advocacy

IP TAKE: This is not an overly accessible foundation, but one that New England nonprofits can still reach out to make an introduction or suggest and idea.

PROFILE: Founded in 1990, the Orchard Foundation is a charitable foundation based in South Portland, Maine. The foundation is a member of the Environmental Grantmakers Association, Exponent Philanthropy, and the Maine Philanthropy Center. Grantmaking areas of interest include environmental advocacy and advocacy for children, youth, and families.

The foundation’s environmental advocacy program involves funding air quality, global climate change, biodiversity, fresh and coastal waters, and forests. It only supports projects that involve government agencies, legal agencies, and administrative process participation. The funder’s children, youth, and families advocacy involves supporting projects that promote child welfare and systemic issues at both the state and local levels. It funds projects related to availability and rights rather than direct services. Orchard is also an advocate for reproductive rights among adolescents and sex education for middle and high school students.

Orchard Foundation grants range from $10,000 to $25,000. Nonprofits can learn more about how this funder gives by examining its recent tax forms. The foundation restricts grantmaking to New England and New York and supports projects and programs, rather than general operating support. It does not fund museums, capital campaigns, travel, scholarships, fellowships, building or equipment needs, film projects, religious organizations, or loans.

This foundation does not accept unsolicited grant requests from nonprofits. Instead, the funder only awards grants to pre-selected organizations. However, it occasionally sends out requests for proposals to a select number of organizations as well. If invited to apply, nonprofits must submit a four-page proposal. Grantseekers can direct general questions to the foundation staff at orchard@maine.rr.com or 207-799-0686.


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