North Dakota Community Foundation

OVERVIEW: The North Dakota Community Foundation supports education, health, human services, housing, parks, arts and culture, and other community needs throughout the entire state of North Dakota.

FUNDING AREAS: Education, health, human services, housing, parks, arts and culture, community

IP TAKE: This is a statewide community foundation that aims to spread its resources around to all parts of the state; however, there are many smaller local funds that address more targeted needs.

PROFILE: Established in 1976, the North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) is a community foundation based in Bismarck, North Dakota. A group of citizens create this foundation with the initial support of the Otto Bremer Foundation, the Northwest Area Foundation, the Northwest Bancorporation, the North Dakota Bremer Banks, and the Bush Foundation. The foundation administers over 700 charitable e funds, which includes at least 65 different community foundations in the state. The foundation aims to “improve the quality of life for North Dakota's citizens through charitable giving and promoting philanthropy.” It funds local efforts for education, health, human services, housing, parks, arts and culture, and other community needs.

The North Dakota Community Foundation provides grants through its Statewide Greatest Needs Fund, community endowment funds, scholarship funds, school foundations, agency endowment funds, short-term project funds, field-of-interest funds, and donor-advised funds. NDCF has a broad focus and considers nearly any eligible nonprofit cause. It makes only single-year commitments and tries to award grants as equally as possible to the various geographic regions of the state. Nonprofits can also apply for grants through the Community Endowment Fund Program by selecting the nearest local community fund and reviewing the application guidelines for that particular fund.

Grants range between about $1,000 and $5,000. Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records. Grantmaking focuses on the entire state of North Dakota. Past local grantees include Pick City Park Project, Beyond Shelter, Bismarck Art & Galleries Association, and Carrington Health Center.

This foundation accepts unsolicited grant applications from nonprofits. NDCF accepts grant applications through its online portal and has a July 31 application deadline. Each community endowment fund has its own unique deadlines. Direct general questions to the staff at or 701-222-8349.


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