James and Vivian Zelter

NET WORTH: Unknown

SOURCE OF WEALTH: Apollo Global Management

FUNDING AREAS: Education & Youth, New York City community

OVERVIEW: James and Vivian Zelter move their philanthropy through the JVZ Foundation. Interests include education and the New York City community. According to available tax filings, the foundation awarded $626,000 in grants in 2017.

BACKGROUND:  James Zelter graduated with an economics degree from Duke University. Zelter was a high yield trader at Goldman Sachs and in 1994 joined Citicorp. He joined Apollo Global Management in 2006 and is the managing director of Apollo's credit business, and the CEO and director of Apollo Investment Corporation 


EDUCATION & YOUTH: James and Vivian have supported Columbia University Business School, Duke University, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, The Met, The Dalton School, and George Jackson Academy.

NYC COMMUNITY: Besides New York educational institutions, grantees include Robin Hood Foundation and The Met.           

LOOKING FORWARD: Expect the couple to stick with their prior interests, with an eye towards New York City. Zelter is still very much engaged in business, but perhaps more money will move out in coming years.


The JVZ Foundation

c/o James C. Zelter

990 Fifth Avenue Ste. 10

New York, NY 10075