James and Barbara Gerson

NET WORTH: Unknown

SOURCE OF WEALTH: Hudson Capital Appreciation Fund, private investor

FUNDING AREAS: Education & Youth, Jewish causes, Arts & Culture, Policy, NYC community 

OVERVIEW: James and Barbara Gerson and their family conduct their philanthropy through the Gerson Family Foundation, which according to available tax filings, gave away $560,000 from 2017 to 2018. The family's giving has a Northeast focus. Areas of interest include education and Jewish causes. 

BACKGROUND: James D. Gerson has a BA in economics from Dartmouth College and an MBA from Columbia University. He has been a private investor since 2003 and is a portfolio manager of Hudson Capital Appreciation Fund, an affiliate of Fahnestock & Co.


EDUCATION & YOUTH: Gerson supports his alma maters Dartmouth and Columbia. One of the couple's sons graduated from Columbia and Bowdoin College, which has also seen support. Other grantees include Bucknell University, City Year NY, Smith College, Spence School, Trevor Day School, and Agawam Council which operates Camp Agawam, a summer camp in Maine.

JEWISH CAUSES: Grantees include American Israel Education Foundation, Congregation B’nai Israel, HillelHebrew Union CollegeJewish Communal Fund, and Women of Reform Judaism.

ARTS & CULTURE: The Gerson family has supported Actors Shakespeare ProjectAtlantic Theater CompanyAmerican Modern Ensemble, and Second Stage Theater.

POLICY: Grantees include ACLUCenter for Reproductive RightsCouncil on Foreign Relations, and National Center for Law & Economic Justice.

NYC COMMUNITY: The family has supported NYC human services organizations City Harvest and Food Bank for NYC. Grants have gone to Central Park Conservancy and Arbor Brothers, a "philanthropic organization that finds, funds and supports the most promising early-stage nonprofits in the NY tri-state area."

LOOKING FORWARD: Expect the Gersons to stick with their select interest areas. Besides Gerson and Barbara, younger family members appear to influence giving through the foundation and should be watched for future interests.  


The Gerson Family Foundation does not provide a clear avenue of contact, but below is an address:

Gerson Family Foundation
19 W. 95th St.
New York City, NY 10025
(212) 749-0792