Flinn Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Flinn Foundation’s primary grantmaking purpose is to support biosciences in Arizona. However, the Phoenix-based foundation also supports arts and culture organizations, scholarships and civic leadership. This funder does not accept unsolicited proposals, so networking with staff will likely be the key to securing funding here.

IP TAKE: Although biosciences are the Flinn Foundation’s main priority, keep in mind that less than a dozen new biosciences grants are awarded each year.

PROFILE: Established in 1965 by Dr. Robert S. and Irene P. Flinn, the Flinn Foundation awards grants that are focused on science and technology in Arizona. Robert Flinn practiced medicine for about fifty years in Arizona, and he was the head of cardiography and electrocardiography at Phoenix’s St. Joseph’s Hospital. He was the chief of medical staff at both St. Joseph’s and Phoenix Memorial Hospital and co-founder and first president of the Arizona affiliate of the American Heart Association. Although the foundation’s grantmaking originally focused on healthcare in Arizona, programming expanded and broadened in the mid-1980s. Today, the foundation seeks to “advance the state’s bioscience sector, provide a top-notch education to high-achieving students at an Arizona public university, boost the fiscal and creative capacity of the state’s arts and culture organizations, and develop future state-level civic leaders.”

During the couple’s lifetimes, the foundation supported technology-driven medical programs and physician specialist recruitment in the state. Flinn has also been a big supporter of medical school scholarships to prepare Arizona students for health careers. There are a several grantmaking programs at the Flinn Foundation today. One aims to advance biosciences in Arizona, and another is for large arts and culture organizations in Arizona. The foundation typically supports about 20 Arizona’s arts organizations that have annual operating budgets of at least $2.5 million each year. The foundation has a civic leadership program to strengthen Arizona leadership at the state level, and the last giving area is a scholarship program.

Many foundation grants are between $25,000 and $500,000. See the active grants page of the foundation website to learn more about past grantees. Foundation giving is largely focused on the state of Arizona. The foundation rarely supports new building construction or building refurbishments, ongoing operating expenses or sponsor events. It also does not support fundraising campaigns or groups advocating for a public policy or political perspective.

The foundation very rarely funds unsolicited grant requests and prefers to invite proposals on its own. It does not provide any grant application forms on its website. To contact the Flinn Foundation, reach out to the staff at 602-744-6800 or via email at info@flinn.org.


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