Chavez Family Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Chavez Family Foundation supports immigration, education and entrepreneurship in the Bay Area and elsewhere in California.

IP TAKE: This funder is interested in collaborating with other Bay Area groups working to meet the needs of immigrant students. The foundation accepts inquiries from organizations working in its areas of interest via its website.

PROFILE: The San Francisco-based Chavez Family Foundation was established by Tom Chavez, a serial technology entrepreneur. A second-generation Mexican-American who grew up in Albuquerque, Chavez is a co-founder of the technology firms Rapt and Krux and, over the past decade, has served on the boards of San Francisco education nonprofits. The foundation aims to “to maximize human potential and promote equal opportunity by investing in programs at the intersection of immigration, education, and entrepreneurship.”

Foundation grants center on equal opportunity among all people and education as a great equalizer. It’s giving is also driven by a desire to maximize human potential, give back to local communities, and achieve an inclusive civic society. Chavez prefers to support organizations “with stable leadership and a sustainable financial picture.” Past support has gone to the Latino Business Action Network, Merit US and the Immigrant Legal Resource Center. The funder is also involved in a collaborative partnership to assist undocumented college students pursue their education through the California Campus Catalyst Fund.

Foundation grants are often over $100,000. Additional information about past grantees is available on the foundation’s highlights page. The foundation prioritizes giving in the nine-county Bay Area of California, but it occasionally supports organizations working nationally or state-wide in California.

The Chavez Family Foundation welcomes the opportunity to learn about organizations and programs that align with its mission. Grantseekers can submit an initial inquiry on Chavez’s website and expect a response within 30 days. Direct general questions to the foundation staff at or 415-990-7278.


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