C. Steven Duncker

NET WORTH: Unknown 


FUNDING AREAS: Education & Youth, Human Services, Arts & Culture

OVERVIEW: C. Steven Duncker and family conduct their philanthropy through the C. Steven Duncker Foundation, which provides educational opportunities to disadvantaged children. According to available tax filings, the foundation awarded $282,000 in grants from 2017 to 2018. South Florida is its main focus. 

BACKGROUND: C. David Duncker graduated from Duke University in 1980 and attended the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, where he graduated in 1982. He joined Goldman Sachs, first working in St. Louis and then Chicago. Duncker moved to New York and became Vice President in 1986, and was named partner in 1996 at just 36. In 2001, he retired as partner after running the Global Credit Derivative Department.


EDUCATION & YOUTH: Duncker supports his alma mater, Duke University, where he serves on the board of visitors of Trinity College of Arts & Sciences. Some of the family's work at Duke has involved athletics scholarships. The family has supported John Burroughs School in St. Louis, where Duncker and his sister Christy (a Duncker Foundation trustee) graduated. Other grantees include Rosarian Academy in West Palm Beach where Duncker's wife Melinda sits on the board, Boys & Girls Club of West Palm Beach; and the Emily K Center, which "develops educated student leaders and enhances the impact of local community-based organizations." The center was founded by Mike Krzyzewski, the prominent Duke basketball coach, in honor of his mother.

HUMAN SERVICES: Grantees include Adopt a Family and Children's Home Society of Florida.

ARTS & CULTURE: Grantees include South Florida Science Center and Aquarium and Palm Beach Zoo.

LOOKING FORWARD: Duncker once chaired the New York Racing Association. While recent family foundation funds have not been directed to this cause, Duncker's passion in this area should be noted. 


C. David Duncker Foundation
c/o Raich Ende Malter & Co. LLP
1375 Broadway, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10018
(212) 944-4433


C. Steven Duncker Linkedin Profile