Brian and Beth Grossman

NET WORTH: Unknown

SOURCE OF WEALTH: Partner Fund Management, Andor Capital Management

FUNDING AREAS: Education & Youth, Human Services, Arts & Culture

OVERVIEW: Brian and Beth Grossman conduct their philanthropy through the Grossman Family Foundation. Interests include education and human services. According to available tax filings, the foundation gave away a little over $750,000 in 2017.

BACKGROUND: Brian Grossman received his B.S. in economics from the University of Pennsylvania. He was an equity analyst at JP Morgan, and later, a senior biotech analyst at Andor Capital Management. Grossman is the portfolio manager for the PFM Healthcare Funds and sector head for the global healthcare team.


EDUCATION & YOUTH: Grossman supports his alma mater, UPenn. Other grantees include Syracuse University, The Hotchkiss Fund, The Little School, UCSF Foundation (Grossman sits on the board of overseers), Hillsborough Schools Foundation and San Francisco Day School.

HUMAN SERVICES: The Grossmans, via their foundation, support Tipping Point Community, whose board is chaired by Grossman’s business partner, Chris James. Other grantees include Safe and Sound and Planned Parenthood.

ARTS & CULTURE: Beth serves on the board of San Francisco Ballet, which the couple supports.

LOOKING FORWARD:  Grossman is very much engaged in business, but perhaps more money will move through the foundation in the coming years. 


Grossman Family Foundation
4 Embarcadero Center, No. 3500
San Francisco, CA 94111