Black Hills Corporation Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Black Hills Corporation Foundation supports arts and culture, civic and community development, education, environment, human services and youth development in South Dakota and other places where the company does business.

FUNDING AREAS: Arts and culture, civic and community development, education, environment, human services, youth development

IP TAKE: This corporate funder focuses much of its efforts on education and youth in its service area and is accessible to Upper Midwest and Plains grantseekers throughout the year.

PROFILE: Established Black Hills Corporation Foundation (BHCF) is a corporate foundation based in Rapid City, South Dakota. This is the philanthropic arm of the Black Hills Corporation, an energy company that provides electric and gas utilities. The foundation is “committed to improving the communities where we live and work.” BHCF funds local efforts for arts and culture, civic and community development, education, environment, human services and youth development.

The Black Hills Corporation Foundation makes donations for civic, cultural, social and charitable purposes in its geographic regions of interest. The company and its foundation are steady supporters of the United Way. In a recent year, the company and its foundation invested over $4 million into its communities. At least $2.2 million went towards grants, scholarships and sponsorships, while $678,000 was for economic development and $535,000 was for low-income energy assistance.

Grants range between about $1,000 and $100,000. Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records. Grantmaking focuses on the communities where the company operates, especially Rapid City, South Dakota. Other philanthropic interests are Evergreen, Colorado and Rupert, Idaho. The company’s service territory includes portions of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Arkansas. Past regional grantees include Wellfully, Norfolk YMCA and Northeast Iowa Community College.

This foundation accepts unsolicited grant applications from nonprofits. BHCF uses an online application and accepts requests all throughout the year. It does not accept requests by phone. BHCF giving committees typically meet monthly or quarterly to review new requests. Direct general questions to the staff at 605-721-2371.


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