Inside Philanthropy is the leading publication covering charitable giving. Since 2014, our in-depth research and reporting on foundations and major donors has made us an essential resource for professionals working in philanthropy.

By becoming an IP advertising partner, you are accessing a highly engaged audience of foundation leaders, individual philanthropists, nonprofit executives, fundraisers, and other key stakeholders in the sector. 

Key Stats

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Audience Breakdown

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Ways to Reach Our Audience

Inside Philanthropy’s sponsored content provides a unique opportunity to reach philanthropy professionals and is an ideal means of promoting your product or service to our highly engaged audience. Advertising on our website and in our newsletter offers another way to connect with IP’s audience, with packages that can be purchased separately or bundled with sponsored content.


A sponsored post is an article produced by an organization looking to promote itself to our audience. Editorial in nature, sponsored posts typically cover a topic of interest to our audience, and contain a specified call-to-action (such as downloading a white paper, or signing up for a newsletter or webinar). 

Sponsored posts run on our homepage, and live in perpetuity on our website. The posts also appear in our daily newsletter, which is delivered to our newsletter list of over 50,000 and growing (all opt-in), and they are promoted on our various social channels as well. 

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Dedicated emails take the form of a curated email sent on your behalf to our audience of over 50,000 engaged subscribers. Unlike sponsored posts, dedicated emails need not be editorial in nature—these can be purely promotional. You can control the entire look, feel, language and design of the email, including the subject line, images, and any links included. 

Dedicated emails are distributed to our highly engaged opt-in newsletter audience of over 50,000 subscribers. Emails regularly receive over 20% Open Rates and over 2% CTR. 

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Banner ads are images with embedded links that appear on our website. These can be static images, or dynamic GIFs. Banners appear in two locations: 1) Horizontally, at the top of the homepage and virtually all website landing pages, and 2) Vertically, on the sidebar of all article pages. Inside Philanthropy receives roughly 300,000 page views per month. 

Newsletter ads are images with embedded links that appear in our newsletter. The ad will appear just below the initial section of content. Our newsletter is distributed daily to over 50,000 opt-in subscribers. We only run one paid advertisement per newsletter, so your ad will never compete with others for reader attention.

CONTACT: For more information on sponsored content opportunities, and to request a media kit, please contact John Freund at